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There is a method in Content API to get Report files in CSV format, that method is POST /report. With it, the following reports can be obtained:

  • CouponIssueReport: a report about issued coupons in a period of time.
  • CouponValidationReport: a report about validated coupons in a period of time.
  • CouponCampaignValidationReport: a report about all validated coupons of a certain campaign.
  • GameIssueReport: a report about issued games in a period of time.
  • GamesPlayReport: a report about played games over a period of time.
  • SettlementReport: a report based on validations history to calculate compensation using MerchantRemuneration and HandlingFee.
  • SubscriptionsReport: a report about current active subscriptions.
  • SubscriptionsSettlementReport: a report about allocated money from subscriptions to each store regarding the number of times that subscription has been used in the store. Note: data of this report is not available until minimum of 30 days after payment has been made.
  • MembersReport: a report about current active members or users. By default, report is provided with pseudonymized data. It is possible for data controllers to obtain encrypted report with direct identifiers.
  • SurveyCampaignReport: a report about the current state of a survey.
  • ShopTransactionReport: a report about transactions of a shop offer or transactions of all shop offers in a period of time.
  • MultiSubscriptionReport: a report about current active multi-user subscriptions.
  • ReceiptsReport: a report about issued receipts in a period of time.
  • PointsTransactionReport: a report about transactions of points in a period of time.
  • PointsTransactionDetailedReport: a more detailed report about the transaction of points in a period of time.
  • PointsBalanceReport: a report about the current state of points balances of users.
  • ShopSettlementReport: a report about the current status of coupons purchased in the app shop.
  • BlockedMembersDataReport: a report about the current state of blocked members or users.
  • LimitRulesTriggerReport: a report about triggered limiting rules in a period of time.
  • RecruitingReport: a report about refer friend registration of users.
  • CouponShopBalancePerProductReport: a report about coupon shop balance per product at the end of the period and value of expired coupons per product during this period
  • CouponShopTransactionReport: a report about all coupon shop transactions for a given period
  • EvcTransactionReport: a report about all transactions for balance subscription (for example EVC) for a given period

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